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How To Get The Job You Want | MCI Institute

Written by Jenna Baskin | 13/09/2023

In a world where the rules of job hunting seem to be rewritten every few months, staying afloat in the ever-shifting job market feels like trying to dance on moving sand.

Gone are the days where a simple resume drop guaranteed an interview. Today's job search market demands more: more insight, more strategy, more adaptability.

If you're wondering how to get a job in this modern maze of job applications, LinkedIn pings, and digital portfolios, you're in the right place. And you're not alone. But if you follow these steps, you'll not only be on your way to being the best candidate for the job you want - you'll also be able to determine whether that job is actually right for you.

1. Do your research

The modern job landscape is dynamic and fast-moving, making the hunt for that perfect job feel like navigating a maze. Understanding the current job market landscape is the best starting point to getting that job you desire.

The best way to start is by using platforms like Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Indeed. Get insights into emerging industries, the rise and fall of job roles, and the skills that are in high demand.

It pays to be adaptable. Continuous learning isn't just a buzzword - it's a necessity. Keep an eye on trends, and be prepared to pivot when necessary.

READ MORE about how to future-proof your career.

2. Self-assess and skill enhance

For job seekers, self reflection is essential - and identifying your strengths is a great starting point. Use tools like StrengthsFinder or even take the Myers-Briggs test. Knowing your strengths can guide you towards role you're naturally suited for.

Once you've identified the skills you have and the skill you lack, consider upskilling in areas you want to move towards. That might be improving soft skills like communication and organisation, but can also be something more specific, like an online business management course to hone some new skills. This will keep you to-to-date and ready to go.

3. Optimise your application

Modern CVs have evolved past the traditional format. Make sure you incorporate keywords relevant to the job description, and consider visual CVs for roles in more creative industries.

Don't JUST list your qualifications; provide concrete examples of how you help a team reach noteworthy benchmarks and demonstrate what problems you're able to solve. Employers wants you to show off your skills in an enthusiastic way. Practice your 'elevator pitch' that concisely sums up your work experience and expertise.

Your cover letter shouldn't merely repeat your CV; use it to narrate your story, passion, and why you're the best fit for the role.

Also consider your online presence. Beyond your LinkedIn profile, look at platforms relevant to your industry. 

4. Network, network, network

If you're not sure where to start with networking, attend some industry-specific seminars. Not only will this give you insights, but also a chance to mingle with a range of people, from industry leaders to peers. Who knows, you might even meet potential employers.

Don't be afraid to connect with professionals online, too. Cold emails or messages can be effective when done right. Personalise your message, express genuine interest, and always be courteous.

5. Don't apply for EVERY job

Instead of playing a numbers game and copy/pasting emails with generic cover letters, narrow your focus. Yes, this will take time, but honing in on the four or five positions you REALLY want will help you focus your resume and craft careful emails to hiring managers.

By limiting yourself to a set number of applications, you must carefully consider what you’re looking for in an employer and what kind of work environment is ideal for you. This process requires an honest assessment of your unique skill sets and needs. At MCI Institute, our career advisors and consultants can help you decide which skills are your strongest.

6. Prep for interviews

So you've got the job interview and you're ready to wow them with your skills. Good preparation is a must.

Always research the company; look at their website, explore their values and history, and use platforms like Glassdoor to get insights on company culture. You might also find some potential interview questions there.

Also consider doing some mock interviews with a friend or family member. You can even record yourself, play it back, and evaluate. This helps to identify areas of improvement, be it in content or in body language.

Make sure you also prep some questions. Asking about company growth, future projects, or even the interviewer's journey can showcase your genuine interest and enthusiasm.

7. Stay persistent and positive

Looking for a new job can be frustrating at times. Remember that rejection is part of the process. Not every job application will convert into a job offer. But each rejection provides an opportunity for feedback and growth - so make sure you ask for it if you do get a rejection!

Remember: persistence is key. Stay updated by dedicating time each week to peruse job boards and networks so that you're always in the loop.

8. Evaluate your job offers

When you do get that job offer, consider the overall package. Benefits like health insurance, work flexibility, and professional development opportunities can sometimes outweigh a higher salary at a company with limited benefits.

Consider you future career goals. Where do you want to end up? Will this job offer take you in this direction?

And ultimately: trust your gut. During interviews and company visits, take note of the atmosphere, how the employees interact with each other, and any red flags about the company culture.

Get yourself job-ready

Remember that adaptability, strategy, and a proactive mindset are your best allies in this evolving landscape. Challenges will come, but with each, an opportunity to learn, grow, and shine brighter in your career pursuits.

If you've found value in this guide, don't keep it to yourself. Share it with friends, colleagues, and fellow job seekers. After all, the journey to landing that dream job is always better when shared.

Ready to conquer the job market? Let’s make your career dreams a reality. Explore our range of nationally recognised online courses and enrol today.