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Top 10 Study Tips Trending Today | MCI Institute

Written by Jenna Baskin | 28/01/2019

Table of Contents

  1. Tip 1: You are online but never alone
  2. Tip 2: Set yourself definite, concrete goals
  3. Tip 3: Create a manageable and reasonable timetable and schedule
  4. Tip 4: Keep your focus by removing distractions
  5. Tip 5: Don’t procrastinate; just get started!
  6. Tip 6: Create a great study space
  7. Tip 7: Reward yourself
  8. Tip 8: Drink more water to keep concentration levels up
  9. Tip 9: Eat healthy snacks and your brain will love you for it!
  10. Tip 10: Exercise – even if it is at your desk for only a few minutes!


Tip 1: You are online but never alone

The courses with MCI Institute are online AND SUPPORTED! We are here for you 5 days a week and even when we are not here leave us a message and we will call/message/email/blog you back. Don't hold the line, call us on 1300 333 345, email us at, visit the eCampus forum to see what the other students say or even better, contact your mentor for your 1: 1 help.

Continue reading to find out more effective study tips.

Tip 2: Set yourself definite, concrete goals

- Have a clear sense of why you are doing this qualification.

- Begin with the end in mind!

- Keep in mind that getting a nationally recognised qualification sets you apart in your job search and career.

Five points on achieving your own goals: 
  1. 1. Look at it

A goal that you can actually see is massively more powerful than a goal you write down on a checklist.

2. Tell people

Making yourself accountable to your friends, family and even your mentor is one of the best ways to reach your goals.

3. Break it up

Many people abandon goals because they’re just too big. Change your game plan!

4. Set a date

One of the best ways to knock out a goal is to put it on your calendar. If you put a stake in the ground and impose a date on yourself, you’re much more likely to reach it.

5. Be realistic

This is simple, but true…you’re more likely to reach goals that you realistically set for yourself. Think in specific, achievable goals. Instead of telling yourself, “I have to get good at payroll” think of a specific goal, “I will learn the foundations behind it”. Achieving this goal will make you feel accomplished at the end of your study session.


Tip 3: Create a manageable and reasonable timetable and schedule

It’s important to set aside sufficient time to complete all the assignments. See this as precious time with your brain, and don’t forget to factor in time for your family, social and work commitments.

Scheduling is the process by which you plan your use of time. By scheduling effectively, you can both reduce stress and maximise your effectiveness. The best way to schedule your time is to decide what things are urgent and what things are important and make a list.


Tip 4: Keep your focus by removing distractions

21st Century life is busier than ever before, with hundreds of different distractions out there to get in the way of your studies. This is the best way to study and memorise:


  • - Close Facebook! or even log out so it's harder to get back in.
  • - Switch off your mobile phone
  • - Shut down your emails
  • - Turn off your TV

It’s not always easy, but you’ll learn far more through three hour’s uninterrupted work than any amount of time spent working with distractions every five minutes.


Tip 5: Don’t procrastinate; just get started!

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part. If your study schedule looks too daunting, set a smaller goal and find the most effective way to study. Break down the qualification into bite size chunks – we are often overwhelmed if the task looks too big.

Consider reading half of the chapter today and half tomorrow. Just do one or two problems from the workbook. Remember that it is always better to do a little now than ending up doing nothing at all.

Simply dive in and get going. If there is something you do not understand, call your mentor for assistance and then move on.


Tip 6: Create a great study space

- Find a quiet space with few distractions

This could be a library, café, or a room in your house. Avoid places where you could run into friends.

- Stock up on study supplies

Make sure you have all the pens, pencils, paper, highlighters and posts-it’s you need.


Tip 7: Reward yourself

Think of a small way to reward yourself when you’ve reach certain milestones. If you’re in the middle of a study session, you can take a quick walk, or listen to your favourite song. If you finished your study session, then feel free to have some fun talking to friends or watching a video.

If you decided to reward yourself with a quick break from studying, remember that you eventually have to get back to work. Set a time for your break and don’t listen to the voice in your head saying, “Just a few more minutes”.


Tip 8: Drink more water to keep concentration levels up

It’s important to keep your body hydrated when studying. The recommended daily intake of water for adult males is 2.6L/day or 10 glasses; and for adult females is 2.1L/day or 8 glasses.


Tip 9: Eat healthy snacks and your brain will love you for it!

Healthy banana smoothie


  • 2 ripe bananas, cut up and frozen beforehand
  • 4 dried prunes with pips removed
  • 2 handfuls crushed ice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 5 shakes ground nutmeg
  • 200 ml of either water, milk or Greek style yogurt


  1. Blend the first five ingredients in a blender for to 1 to 2 minutes.
  2. Add the water, milk or yogurt and blend for a further 10 seconds, and serve in a tall glass.

Preparation time

5 minutes

Tip 10: Exercise – even if it is at your desk for only a few minutes!


Let us know if you get stuck! We are here to help you and set goals so you can achieve your study and career goals. Call us on 1300 333 345 or email us at