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The Seven Qualities of a Good Leader | MCI Institute

Written by Jenna Baskin | 21/02/2023

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to being a good leader. Depending on individual leadership styles, people may have their own unique way of leading their team.

Table of Contents

  1. Why good leadership qualities are important
  2. Qualities of a good leader
    1. Good communication skills
    2. Emotional intelligence
    3. Being part of the team
    4. Bear in mind that effective leadership requires some give and take
    5. Avoid micromanaging
    6. Strategic thinking
    7. Masters of time management
  3. How to develop these important leadership qualities
    1. Never stop learning
    2. Maintain a positive attitude when problems arise
    3. Take on more responsibility
  4. Become a great leader


However, there are some good leadership qualities that can be adapted for many different leadership styles. It's never too late to develop your leadership skills, and your team members will thank you for it.


Why good leadership qualities are important

A strong leader can bring out the very best in their team members, making for a positive and productive work environment. Employees that work under a strong leader feel motivated working towards a shared goal, and feel confident in expressing new ideas.

Truth be told, good leadership qualities aren't only useful in management positions, or even only in the workplace. Regardless of your position, having strong leadership skills will enable you to motivate your fellow team members and potentially lead to career development.

Let's take a look at some of the qualities of a good leader.


Qualities of a good leader


Good communication skills

As a leader, you need to be able to communicate effectively with not only your team members, but also customers or clients. Good communication skills will help minimise misunderstandings among your team members, ensure your team feels appreciated, and allow you to effectively deal with difficult situations.

Effective communication extends to being a good listener and practising active listening. In a leadership role, you need to be able to listen to your employees, understand what they're telling you, and ensure they feel heard.


Emotional intelligence

The ability to understand and regulate your own emotions is vital in a leadership role. In addition, emotional intelligence will enable you to recognise and empathise with the perspectives of your employees. The ability to see your team members as human beings will serve you well, and ensure you have a happy and appreciated team.


Being part of the team

While a leader is expected to serve as a role model, they’re also expected to work with everyone else involved. See yourself as an equal, as opposed to a superior to everyone else. It’s important to lead by example. Practising what you preach is the most effective way to garner mutual respect.

Remember that you and your employees have a common goal. Define what that is, and use your good communication skills to convey this to your employees. Verbalising a common goal is a good way of encouraging a team mentality.


Bear in mind that effective leadership requires some give and take

Take notice of the big picture, and try not to get bogged down in the nitty gritty if not necessary. You and your employees are there to serve each other. Make an effort to gather feedback, and then take note of it. If your employees feel that they have a voice and are heard, they’re much more likely to be satisfied in the workplace. Employee satisfaction facilitates employee engagement and increased productivity, which in turn, makes your job easier.


Avoid micromanaging

The best leaders trust their employees. And with this trust, comes the ability to step away from a task and have faith that the person responsible will be able to handle it. Constant supervision only serves to undermine your employees, so give them the benefit of the doubt and trust in their capabilities. Your employees will be able to deliver their best work only if they don't feel like they're being micromanaged.


Strategic thinking

It may be cliché to say so, but successful leaders think outside the box. And it's a cliché for a reason - new ideas and strategies open up the door for new successes. Good leaders think strategically for every decision they make in the workplace, and pay attention to what strategies work, and what strategies are no longer serving the organisation.


Masters of time management

Great leaders are able to plan for any eventuality. They know how much time to spend on each task or project, as well as the steps to take should something go awry. They avoid procrastination at all costs and spend their time wisely, working ‘smart’, not ‘hard’. 


How to develop these important leadership qualities

As the saying goes, great leaders are made, not born. A bad leader is one that is unwilling to learn and improve.

Personal development is essential in every role, but particularly in a leadership position. Here are some tips to help you develop essential leadership qualities:


Never stop learning

Successful leaders know that self-improvement and career advancement is up to them, which is why they enrol in further education, read voraciously and update their skill set regularly.

MCI’s leadership courses online will provide you with the tools you need to advance in your career and forge a path as a great leader. Download our ebook to learn more about how online learning can fast-track your road to success.


Maintain a positive attitude when problems arise

It won't always be smooth sailing. Being a leader is hard, and some days will be more challenging than others. Rather than allowing a hard patch to get the better of you, try to maintain a positive attitude. The way that you respond to challenges will define what sort of a leader you are, and how your employees view you as a leader. Maintaining a positive attitude will make it easier for you to slip into problem solving mode.


Take on more responsibility

Taking on more projects is a great way of improving your skills and showing initiative, or showing the higher-ups you have what it takes to advance to the next level of your career. There's plenty of space for hands-on learning when you take on extra responsibilities.


Become a great leader

These are just a few of the important qualities of a good leader. True leaders never stop seeking out opportunities to improve their skill set and become a stronger leader. Check out our leadership courses online which are designed to help you cultivate the key leadership characteristics that will make you a successful and accomplished leader.